"Iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another" (Proverbs 27:17).
In the same way that the blade of a knife can become dull, sometimes our spiritual lives can become dull as well. We may not feel as sharp spiritually. Sometimes the reason is that circumstances in our lives may have clouded our spiritual vision, or perhaps we find ourselves growing discouraged and lonely. Perhaps some sin has gained a foothold in our life. God has provided a wonderful help for a time like that, and that help is called a "friend."
We were created for relationships. First and foremost, we were made to have a relationship with our Creator. And that's available to anyone who will receive Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. Second, we were created for relationships with other people. Friends can be one of the greatest blessings in all of the world. We need godly friends, that is, people who care about us, who will push us closer to the Lord Jesus, who pray for us, and who sharpen us spiritually.Â
Do you have friends in your life who sharpen your walk with God? Are you a friend who sharpens others? This morning, think of who your close godly friends are, thank God for them, and pray for them. I encourage you to find a time to visit with them for the purpose of sharpening one another.
In Jesus,
Whit Chapman